(Consider releasing the Mapbox macOS SDK at the same time.)

Version the packages

  1. Choose a version number per Semantic Versioning and our tagging rules. Let's call it ios-vX.Y.Z. If this is a pre-release, go with ios-vX.Y.Z-pre.P, where P begins at 1 and increments for each pre-release.
  2. If necessary, update the screenshot.
  3. Update the version in the podspec, -snapshot-dynamic podspec, and -stripped podspec.
  4. Update the CHANGELOG.md for the release.
    • Add today’s date to the header for the release.
    • #protip: you can use the compare (ios-v#.#.#-previous-beta.#...release-N|master) feature in github to more easily find intra-release changes (i.e. https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native-ios/compare/ios-v5.7.0-alpha.1...ios-v5.7.0-beta.1).
  5. Run tx pull -a to add or update translations.
  6. Create a pull request with these changes and have it approved/merged.
  7. Create a tag ios-vX.Y.Z.
  8. git push origin ios-vX.Y.Z

Build and release

The release build and deployment process starts on CircleCI once you push the tag. This will automatically:

  • Build, package, and upload the different release flavors to s3 and GitHub.
  • Create a draft release on GitHub.

Once the ~35 minute deployment process is finished, you should:

  • Copy the release notes to the draft GitHub release.
  • Check that the attached packages are valid.
  • Push the publish button. 💚

The old manual way

In times of dire need, you can still deploy manually by following the instructions in this old revision, which relies on this script.

Stable releases


Note: You should first register a CocoaPods id and be added as a CocoaPods collaborator for the Mapbox-iOS-SDK pod
  • Run pod trunk push platform/ios/Mapbox-iOS-SDK.podspec.




Publish API documentation in the mapbox/ios-sdk repo. After generating the docs, only commit the new api/X.X.X/ folder — this makes them publicly available, but leaves the stable version as the default.